Swiss Made IWC Big Pilot Replica Cheap For Sale

iwc big pilot replica

iwc big pilot replica is synonymous with timepieces that are of high quality and uniqueness, as this beautiful watch constructed for the Only Watch auction 2011 in Monaco proves. The Classique Grande Complication Reveil Musical Watch is equipped with a music-box mechanism which allows it to play the tune "Castle in the Sky". The song can be played at any time by pressing the pusher on the ten-o'clock.

The dial of the iwc big pilot replica watch is unique. It features a child reaching out a hand to an adult, and it's located between one and two o'clock.Replica Watches The dial rotates while the watch is playing the song, and ends with an adult and a child holding hands. This dial represents the need for unity and support between generations in order to combat Duchene muscular Dystrophy.

The dial is also equipped with blue hollow-moon tips. There are also two alarm indicators. A circular aperture that indicates whether or not the alarm has been activated is located between 9 and 10 o'clock, while the triangular power reserve alarm aperture is at 3 o clock (this watch features a minimum 55-hour power reserve). The music-box watch from iwc big pilot replica also has a chapter ring with Roman numerals.

The iwc big pilot replica Caliber 0900 mechanical automatic movement with silicon escape wheel powers this blend of supreme watchmaking and music.Patek Philippe Replica Watches The 59-jewel movement has a 4Hz frequency.

The iwc big pilot replica-signed, numbered self-winding watch movement is mounted in a 48mm diameter 18-carat white gold case. The case back is personalized with the phrase "piece unique", and was made for the Only Watch 2011 charity event. The musical theme can also be seen on the case's side, where engravings of musical notes are engraved.

The iwc big pilot replica Reveil Musical Watch has a black alligator band with soldered and rounded lugs. It also features spring bars that are screw-secured. The leather strap is secured with a buckle. The iwc big pilot replica wristwatch is protected by a sapphire crystal and has a 30 meter water resistance.